Marek Dyakov
Marek Dyakov
Marek Dyakov
Marek Dyakov
Marek Dyakov
Marek Dyakov

Marek Dyakov | About me About Share

I was born in the town of Dupnitza and grew up in the town of Silistra. Since I was a child I was given the freedom to express myself - and I chose music as my intermediary. My great love for Bulgarian folklore and the accordion started in my childhood. I started at first as a dancer in dance ansembe "Dobroudja", then I developed myself as an accordionnist, infinitely drawn to that passion of mine. Since then my road has taken me to the deepest and most sacred fields of art.

Since the very beginning I loved creating my own melodies. I very much loved harmonzing folk melodies, recreating them in my own way. I listened to and played an infinite number of pieces of Bulgarian folk music in all its manifestations - authentic, dance, concert, wedding and so forth. I can rightly claim that Bulgarian folklore is my great passion in music. It has become my creative fundament, along with a solid preparation in the musical theory studies.

During my time as a university student I developed my skills as an instrumentalist, while being entrained with composing and creative works. I have done a lot of arrangements for different musical encembles, solo plays for accordion, dance music. All that procces has lead my conciousness and my intuition on the road to professional composing. Great role in preparing me as a composer has played prof. Alexander Tekeliev. Without a doubt a shining figure in Bulgarian musical culture, a great artist with a solid pedagogical experience. Every lesson of his - composing, orchestration, harmony - was an exceptional festival, while demanding great responsibility and inspiring respect for the talent and lore of that great person. It is my belief that he was the one who pointed and cultivated my musical invention and energy in the right direction, built in me a healthy professionalism - not only through advice, but by personal example.
Truly, there is a multitude of people that have affected my developement and improvement as a musician, but at first place Iput my love for the art and my devotion to it. I am infinitely happy that Music is my companion, I have been walking with her throughout my entire professional career and through her I make my dreams come true.
I wish that to each and every artist!